Huge congratulations to everyone involved in the Euston Street Primary School community.
Not only are we making progress in championing and demonstrating the rights of children everywhere but we have now been officially recognised by UNICEF as a SILVER Rights Aware school!
This is as a result of curriculum, policy and cultural changes we have made to ensure that ESPS is always ensuring that our pupil's rights are protected and embedded in the children of our school.
Many thanks to everyone on staff, parent and pupils for all of their hard work in developing and promoting the rights of children the world over.
You can read the full UNICEF inspection report for ESPS at the following link:
UNICEF Rights Respecting School

Euston Street is a Rights Aware school. This means that we are actively working toward promoting awareness and protection of children's rights everywhere and always.
This is a programme funded and regulated by UNICEF, the organisation that is responsible for the forging of the UN Convention on the Right Of the Child.
At Euston Street, our school vision is:
‘To create a safe, happy learning community where together we inspire and equip our pupils so that they fulfil their potential, use their talents and follow their dreams now and always'.
This one of the primary reasons why the work of UNICEF and rights respecting school are so important to us. Our dedication to the RRSA programme shines through in our curriculum, our extra curricular activities, clubs and the very walls of our corridors. We aim to inspire our pupils to learn about children's rights by putting them into everyday practice.
This part of the website is dedicated to presenting news, events, pictures and information about how we are pushing rights to the front of our school's ethos and how you can help us in our mission.
Rights Respecting News
RRSA Right of the Month

Each month in school, in order to continue developing and highlighting the importance of children's rights, we choose an area of the RSAA charter to focus on.
This month we are focusing on every child's right to make friendships and join groups.
This is a great opportunity to engage in conversation with your children about what we are doing in school to help keep our pupils safe online and discuss what could also be done in the home to further ensure all of our children are always safe, secure and sensible online.
Article 15 - You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.

Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089