Parent Staff Association (PSA)

Welcome to the Parent Staff Association Page.
We have a thriving PSA in Euston Street. All parents and carers are most welcome to attend meetings and help at events.
Meetings will be advertised on the PSA Facebook Page, the school Facebook Page and the school Website.
The PSA organise and run a number of brilliant school events each year including: Christmas Fair, Summer Fair, family fun evenings, disco, charity days and many more.
All proceeds are used to help develop resources for the school including but not only Digital resources.
Please contact the school if you are interested in helping with the school PSA 02890457089.
This years' committee are: Mrs Douglas, Mrs Anderson and Ms Anderson.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089