Link Education Welfare officer

Euston Street is a great school and our pupils enjoy their time here and make great progress. With such high quality teaching and learning there are only a few things that impact pupil wellbeing and progress and low attendance is one of them.
Attendance is a very important aspect to school life. The information on attendance and the video on the Homepage, explain why it is so important for your child and how to contact school. The school have an Education Welfare Officer (EWO), Alex Bennett, who helps to support school and parents in ensuring that pupil attendance is high. School also have a parent liaison staff member, Mrs Killops, who helps support our parents each week.
The EWO introduced himself below:
‘My name is Alex Bennett and I am the Link Education Welfare Officer with Euston Street Primary School this year. Through the Education Welfare Service, it is my role to work alongside the school in promoting attendance. There is legal duty on parents to promote school attendance and Euston Street can refer into our service any child whose attendance is below 85%. At that point either myself or a colleague may be in contact to assist with improving attendance. School is so important for children and helps them build not just academically but socially and emotionally.
If you have any concerns or difficulties with supporting your child to school, I urge you to speak to school, and please always remember to report any absence to the school, too. I will be working to help to ensure as many pupils can be in this year to enjoy their education at Euston Street and look forward to working with the school to achieve that.’
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089