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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

January Learning in N1

29th Jan 2025
This month we have been exploring the theme of Winter β„️ and identifying the colours Black πŸ–€and White βšͺ️
We have been thinking about animals that are black and white πŸ¦“πŸΌπŸ§. We particularly enjoyed learning about penguins and were able sharing penguin facts with others!  We learnt that penguins live in a colony! We also observed ice melting and thought of ways to keep warm in winter. πŸ₯ΆπŸ§€πŸ§£β˜ƒοΈπŸ§.  This month we have also been practicing our scissor skills! βœ‚οΈ  We hope you enjoy looking at our photos of some of the fun activities we have been doing. πŸ˜†