Access Keys:

Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Apologies for late notice of opening

17th Jan 2018

To all our parents/guardians

I wish to apologise for late notice about school opening this morning. I was delaying the decision until I was assured that access to the school was safe for pupils and parents and that we had enough staff members able to travel so that pupils would be sufficiently supervised when they arrived in school for the day.

After 7 am, the website crashed and I was unable to upload the decision that school was open. I will be contacting to website designers to ask why this happened and to ensure that it does not happen again. I am aware that Strandtown Primary School suffered the same problem.

I appreciate your patience and know that you will understand that circumstances prevented me from informing you sooner as planned, and that your child’s safety is most important when making a decision about opening school in poor weather conditions.

Thank you again

John Armstrong