Access Keys:

Euston Street Primary School, Belfast


We are very fortunate at Euston Street Primary School that we have such a wide variety of spoken languages.  Our children come from far and wide and at present we have 25 different nationalities within our school. Some of these pupils may just be starting to learn English, while others have been working hard to become fluent. As a result of this many are now bi-lingual! We celebrate this by encouraging them to be proud of their home language and use it where possible. Some of our older pupils have the opportunity to become ‘Language Champions’. In this role they support and interact with other children, staff and parents by translating when needed.

We have a dedicated Newcomer Support Team made up of Mrs Hayes and Mrs Gillespie and we are pleased to provide additional language support for children from Year 1 to 7.

Euston Street aims to be as inclusive as possible. We do this by translating key documents where possible as well as to providing interpreters when required for parental consultations.  New pupils with English as a second language will receive our ‘Welcome Book’ and a ‘Home/School Journal’ to encourage initial language development, including visuals to help support both the pupil and the parent as they settle into school life.

We are proud to celebrate language at Euston Street Primary School and remember…

Everyone smiles in the same language.”


Language of the Month

Our school has so many different languages that we thought it would be nice to share language with others. Our Language Champions have put together videos to help teach the other pupils some words in different languages. Every month we learn a new language. 


Language of the Month: Hungarian 


School of Sanctuary Award


Some of our Language Champions travelled to Belfast City Hall with Mr Armstrong, Mrs Hayes and Mrs Gillespie to receive our School of Sanctuary award. There are only 49 other schools to have received this award in Northern Ireland. We are so proud that our school has been recognised as inclusive and welcoming to all. We will continue to work together to ensure that Euston Street Primary is a welcome, safe place for everyone where we celebrate diversity.




Language Champions


Language Support