
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility in our school community.
In ESPS we continue to work to ensure that pupils are not only safe but also feel nurtured and secure in their environment so that their wellbeing and learning can develop fully.
If you any concerns or questions about a child's wellbeing or safety, please contact the school's and ask to contact a member of the Safeguarding Team immediately on 02890457089.

Follow this link to access the Anti-Bullying Resource pack from the Anti-Bullying Alliance Northern Ireland. It is filled with information and strategies to contend with difficult circumstances and issues surrounding bullying behaviour.

Euston Street is a school that keeps its pupils safe from harm (UNCRC Article 19).
As such any issues relating to alleged bullying behaviours, are taken very seriously.
We ask that all parents talk to the children about the importance of keeping the school rules and respecting all other pupils at all times. This way, working together, we continue to have a school in which all pupils thrive.
For more information please read the school Anti-Bullying Policy by clicking the button below:
Online Safety - Safer Schools

Please sign up to Safer Schools App if you are a parent.
This site gives all the latest and most reliable information for parents and pupils to help keep children safe online. Details are also available through the school and sign in details are emailed to all parents each year.
If you have any questions please contact the school 02890457089.
For more information, please visit:

The Safeguarding Board NI Online Safety HUB is found at this link.
It is helpful for pupils and parents.
Keeping Safe News
Digital Safeguarding
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089