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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Numeracy Activities Y2HT

9th Nov 2020

I used circles to make a beautiful flower picture!
I used circles to make a beautiful flower picture!
I can sort the 2D shapes.
I can sort the 2D shapes.
We are having fun begin creative with our 2D shapes during Play Based Learning. We can draw round the shapes to make pictures.
We are having fun begin creative with our 2D shapes during Play Based Learning. We can draw round the shapes to make pictures.
I can use the counters to make different numbers on the ten-frame.
I can use the counters to make different numbers on the ten-frame.
I can find a cube!
I can find a cube!
I can show the number 10 on a ten-frame!
I can show the number 10 on a ten-frame!
I used the number shapes to make a set of 13.
I used the number shapes to make a set of 13.