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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Number Day Y5MH

4th Feb 2022

Daily Ten - timed multiplication questions to test our speed in finding the answer.
Daily Ten - timed multiplication questions to test our speed in finding the answer.
Hit the Button - finding doubles of multiples of 10 up to 300.
Hit the Button - finding doubles of multiples of 10 up to 300.
Hit the Button - finding half of numbers. This game is great for encouraging us to think quickly.
Hit the Button - finding half of numbers. This game is great for encouraging us to think quickly.
Post it - division sum sorting.
Post it - division sum sorting.
Shoot out - quick fire mental maths questions.
Shoot out - quick fire mental maths questions.
Shoot out - quick fire mental maths questions.
Shoot out - quick fire mental maths questions.
We dressed up with numbers on our clothes for number day!
We dressed up with numbers on our clothes for number day!
Finding outfits with numbers on them today!
Finding outfits with numbers on them today!
Can you spot the numbers on our tops?
Can you spot the numbers on our tops?
We look brilliant on number day!
We look brilliant on number day!