Welcome to Euston Street Primary School and Nursery Unit

Euston Street Primary School and Nursery Unit is situated between the Woodstock and Castlereagh Roads at Redcar Street and Ardgowan Street.
We are one of the oldest and best loved schools in Belfast, built in 1925 to cater for children from Nursery – Year 7. Currently we have 52 full time pupils in the Nursery Unit and approximately 300 pupils from Year 1 to Year 7.
Our buildings currently consist of the following:
Nursery Unit with 2 classrooms, quiet reading rooms, utility room, kitchen, soft play room and extensive courtyard outside play area
14 classrooms with interactive whiteboards
Assembly/Dining/PE Hall
Fantastic full stocked Library
Digital Den (new for 2024/25)
Extensive iPad range and other IT resources
Parents’ Room
The school, individual classrooms and outdoor areas are well equipped with great emphasis placed on high quality teaching and learning and play related learning.
Externally we have brilliant outdoor playground accommodation as well as two garden play areas for children in the Nursery and Year 1 – Year 7 classes.
We offer a wide and balanced curriculum, provided by staff who work hard to ensure that the children the highest quality of teaching and learning in a supportive and caring environment.
Euston Street also has a huge array of after school activities on offer including a Junior Club for Years 1 - 3.
We are an international and truly integrated school. We celebrate all pupils and all cultures.
I hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that you find all information you are looking for.
Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have.
Thank you for visiting!
Mr John Armstrong
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089