Board of Governors
Board of Governors
Welcome to Euston Street Primary School &
Nursery Unit. As a Board we work closely with
all members of our school community to ensure
that our pupils make progress and have every
opportunity to experience all that education has to
offer. The Board have very close connections with
the school both presently and historically. I have
personally had both my children attend Euston
Street Primary School and take great pride in the
high standards that the school sets for all of its
pupils and staff members. We welcome all pupils
and families to our school. Should you have any
further questions please contact Mr. Armstrong at
school. Thank you.
Mr. Mark Young
(Euston Street Primary School & Nursery Unit)
Mr M Young (Chairperson)
Mrs H Myles
Mr S Mathiesen
Mrs Sloan
Mrs D Cupples
Mr R Jennings
Mr Shivers
Mrs Rainey (Teacher Representative)
Duties of the Board of Governors
Governors are responsible for the use of funds allocated to the school by the Education Authority.
Governors are responsible for ensuring that the teachers have the necessary facilities to provide a curriculum which meets the requirements of the Education Order and for producing a policy in relation to the curriculum.
Governors are required to ensure that the appropriate arrangements are made for the admission of pupils to the school and for drawing up criteria which will be used for selection in the event that the number of pupils seeking to be enrolled exceeds the number of places available.
The complement of staff in the school, both teaching and non-teaching, is controlled by the Governors and arrangements for dealing with issues involving Human Resources within the school also fall within their remit.
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089